Saturday, April 7, 2007

Bloggingmsnchat Sucks The Big One / The Difference between A Comment And Spam

OK,here's the deal. I sometimes like to browse the blog world when I'm not busy here doing my own thing. So I have along the way found a few stories that interested me enough to leave a comment giving my opinion on the stories content.Now according to my way of seeing things this is the whole idea behind having a comment section in the first place.
Now, when I leave a comment (which in fact in the whole time I've been online I have left at most about 6 0r 7) I always put a link to my site at the bottom of my comment which I consider a fair practice. I allow that on my sites because I like to allow people to advertise their site too. It's called being considerate.
So anyway, these "Dicks" at "Bloggingmsnchat" removed the link to my site and edited my comment to include a line at the bottom claiming they believe my comment is spam but, "We agree with the opinion of the comment I left concerning the story that it was left for.

Here is the comment after their editing:
This smells like another way for Bush and his gang to trample over the constitution and our civil rights.Just how many wars are this government planning to wage with our own tax dollars.The war on terror,the war on drugs and the war on pornography.Maybe it's time for a war on the religious fanatics in this country.
I would like to go out of this world knowing my grandchildren still have some rights left.I wonder if the Bush girls realize what their old man is doing to this country.On the other hand it probably doesn't matter to them because being a Bush never meant you had to live by the laws of the country anyways...
BJC | Thursday 05 April 2007 - 19:46:02 | #

this appears to be spam so we removed the urls however we pretty much agree with what he posted.
Edited By Siteowner

So I went back and pointed out the fact that I'm not in the habit of spamming other peoples sites because I know what a pain in the ass spammers are but that it is my practise to allow anyone who leaves a sincere comment to advertise their site in their comment with a link to their page. Seems like a fair practice right?
Well, not for the "Mighty Webmaster" at "Bloggingmsnchat". Here is their answer to that.

Banned by webmaster. Your comments will not be added

So, you decide who is the "Dick" in this little saga. Is it spamming just because you put a link to your own site at the bottom of your comment or is it fair practise and a considerate thing to allow.
Please feel free to leave a comment and voice your opinion and feel free to put a link to your site in your comment as well. I like to visit other people's sites and read their work too... BJC

And as for "Bloggingmsnchat" , here's one for them.
I don't need to spam for my traffic. I do just fine thank you...

P.S. I'm so fair I'm even willing to put a link to Bloggingmsnchat here so you all can visit them too...

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Friday, April 6, 2007

Ohio Fireman Tiptoes Thru The Tulips In His Teeny String Bikini

Firefighter Arrested in Woman's Clothes

MASON, Ohio (AP) - April 5, 2007 - A man wearing a woman's wig and a string bikini was charged with taking a drunken afternoon romp through a park, officials said.
Steven S. Cole, a 46-year-old volunteer firefighter, told an officer he was on his way to a Dayton bar to perform as a woman in a contest offering a $10,000 prize, the arrest report said.

He pleaded not guilty Thursday to charges of drunken driving, public indecency and disorderly conduct.

Firefighter was really out of uniform
DUI arrest merely one charge for man driving in wig, bikini

MASON, Ohio—A man wearing a string bikini and woman’s wig when arrested on a drunken-driving charge told police he was on his way to compete as a woman in a contest at a bar, according to authorities.
A trial date of May 24 was set for Steven S. Cole, 46, of Waynesville, when he was arraigned Tuesday in Mason Municipal Court.

Cole was arrested Tuesday as he attempted to leave a park in his pickup after Mason police received a complaint of an intoxicated man walking and driving around the park.

TheSmokingGun has a complete collection of shots on their site...

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Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Did Keith Richards Snort A Couple Lines Of Dear Old Dad ???

Keith Richards denies snorting his father's ashes

LONDON – Off the cuff or up the nose? That was the question Wednesday as Keith Richards said he was joking when he described snorting his father's ashes along with a hit of cocaine.
“It was an off-the-cuff remark, a joke, and it is not true. File under April Fool's joke,” said Bernard Doherty, a Rolling Stones spokesman, about Richards' quote in NME magazine.
But the magazine said on its Web site that the remark was “no quip, but came about after much thinking” by the 63-year-old guitarist.

Rolling Stone Keith Richards denies snorting his father's ashes, spokesman says

LONDON: Rolling Stone Keith Richards was joking when he claimed to have snorted his father's ashes along with cocaine, a spokesman said Wednesday.

"It was an off-the-cuff remark, a joke, and it is not true. File under April Fool's joke," said Bernard Doherty of LD Communications, which represents the band.

Doherty declined to say any more about why Richards made the statement in an interview with NME, a pop music magazine.

"The strangest thing I've tried to snort? My father. I snorted my father," Richards was quoted as saying.

"He was cremated and I couldn't resist grinding him up with a little bit of blow. My dad wouldn't have cared ... It went down pretty well, and I'm still alive."

Richards: I snorted my dad's ashes, they went down well

Keith Richards, the Rolling Stones' guitarist, has claimed he snorted his father's ashes during a drugs binge.
In an astonishing admission that might surprise even his fellow band members, who have become used to his wild and eccentric behaviour, Richards said he could not resist snorting the ashes while high on drugs.
"The strangest thing I've tried to snort? My father. I snorted my father," said the 63-year-old in an interview with NME. "He was cremated and I couldn't resist grinding him up with a little bit of blow. My dad wouldn't have cared, he didn't give a shit. It went down pretty well, and I'm still alive."

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